Booking System.
You can now able to Book the Main Hall and the Meeting Room
online. Please click the booking online button in red link above for
our booking system, this will redirect from the halls website to VDJ Hall
Hallmasters Website.
You will need then to select customer login in, if you booked
before you will know the process, if not then you will need to register with
hall master.
Then select the day you would like to book which you will see + sign
beside the date if you click this and then follow the booking steps on the
Once you have completed this your will receive a summary of your
booking, then this will be sent to our booking clerk who will check the booking
request, once they have confirmed your booking you will receive an e-mail from
us to confirm your booking.
You will be invoiced for the booking and our bank details are on the
bottom of your invoice.
Alternatively if you prefer you can contact us by phone on 07831 211597 .
For all general enquiries please contact us via our form on contact
We also now have hallmaster booking guide button just below which will take you through the booking process step by step.