covid stay safe


Stop and Follow Signs Rules

Before entry you will see signage, make sure you read before you enter. You may have a short wait into the venue while numbers are been checked. As due to Social distancing we will be limiting numbers throughout the venue. To keep compliant to Social Distancing Rules.

Dont Enter if you feel unwell

If you have any of these symptoms, please don’t come into the DJ Hall. This will help us to protect other hall users and staff. Go home.
Please seek advice by going online at or by calling NHS 111.


DJ Hall will be providing hand sanitiser dispensers at various point within the hall at entrances and corridors to help keep everyone safe..


Please wear a face mask or face covering when in the DJ Hall, unless you are exempt on medical grounds


Remember to respect social distancing rules of 1 meters apart. In some area it is difficult to be 1 meters apart we will be limiting how many people can go through these area at any one time.


The DJ Hall will have posters throughout the hall and have carried out a risk assessment which will be available to all hall user groups. Each user group will have to carry out all COVID Rules, Terms and conditions, hall risk assessment during there booking in addition to the normal hall terms of conditions of let as well as supply DJ Hall with there group risk assessment for the activity they are going to keep them and there participants safe.

Room Limits

Each room in the DJ Hall will have room limits. Depending on area size and to help maintain social distancing rules.

Please keep a look out for the notices around the hall.

One Way System

Throughout the DJ hall a one way system will be in operation.

Please look out for the notices around the hall.

Wash Your Hands

Making sure that you are washing your hands frequently with soap and hot water for at least 20 second or longer can help reduced covid 19.

Catch It
Germs spread easily, always have tissues with you to catch any cough or sneeze.
Bin It
Germs can last for several hours on tissues. Dispose of your tissue as soon as possible.
Kill It
Hands can transfer germs to any surface you touch, always wash your hands as soon as possible.


Be Kind & Stay Safe

We are all in this together by following the rules this helps us all to stay safe and try to get back to a bit of normality.